
Quantum Photonics & AI Group

Prof. Dirk Englund • Dr. Ryan Hamerly • Dr. Matthew Trusheim


Opportunities for outstanding theorists and experimentalists:

[ July 2020 ] Learn more >>

Ryan and Liane featured in the news!

Read the IEEE article here!

[ June 2019 ] Learn more >>

Postdoctoral Fellow Matt Trusheim featured in Scientific American!

Article: What Are the Limits of Manipulating Nature?

[ December 2018 ]

Photonics Spectra – August 2016 – Front Cover

Featured in Photonics Spectra!

[ July 2018 ]

Light Matters Extra: Weird and Strange: Quantum Photonics – 03.2018 – YouTube

Check out the youtube video here!

[ July 2018 ]

Congratulations to Dima, Ren-Jye, Evan, Chuck, Gabriele, Cheng, and our collaborators on the appearance of the graphene bolometer in Nature Nano!
This work was done in close collaboration with Dr. KC Fong at BBN.
D. K. Efetov, R.-J. Shiue, Y. Gao, B. Skinner, E. Walsh, H. Choi, J. Zheng, C. Tan, G. Grosso, C. Peng, J. Hone, K. C. Fong, D. Englund, ”High-Speed Bolometry Based on Johnson Noise Detection of Hot Electrons in Cavity-Coupled Graphene,” Nature Nanotechnology  (2017) [MIT News]


[ June 2018 ] Learn more >>

Congratulations to…

  • Chris Panuski for the Hertz Fellowship.
  • Kevin Chen for NSF Graduate Fellowship.
  • Uttara Chakraborty for NDSEG and NSF Graduate Fellowships.
  • Ian Christen for the QISE-NET award.

[ April 2018 ]

Workshop Chairs
Alán Aspuru-Guzik (Harvard University)
Michael Wasielewski (Northwestern University)

See report here.


[ August 2017 ]

Congratulations to Hannah Clevenson — Dr. Hannah Clevenson — for winning the a 2017 Dimitris N. Chorafas Award for  excellence in graduate research. Well deserved, Hannah!!

About the Foundation and the Prize: “The Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation awards scientific prizes for outstanding work in selected fields in the engineering sciences, medicine and the natural sciences. It rewards research characterized by its high potential for practical application and by the special significance attached to its aftermath. Every year, partner universities in Europe, North America and Asia evaluate the research work of their graduating doctorate students and propose the best for prizing. Depending on the years of association with the Foundation and the size of the sample from which the best researcher is chosen (which must be statistically valid), some partner universities receive two prizes per year; others have one annual prize. The Foundation prizes the best doctoral student(s) in the Hard Sciences in each partner university. These annual awards are of $5,000 each.”



[ August 2017 ]


[ May 2017 ]

Lightmatter — by Nick Harris, Yichen Shen, Darius Bunandar, and Tom Graham — advance to MIT 100K finals, May 17!

[ May 2017 ]

Lightmatter — by Nick Harris, Yichen Shen (Soljacic Group, MIT), Darius Bunandar, and Tom Graham (Harvard) — win Harvard innovation challenge!

[ May 2017 ]

On August 25-26, Prof Seth Lloyd and Dirk Englund co-organized the “Future Directions of Quantum Information Processing Workshop” in Arlington, VA, as part of a series of workshops sponsored by the Office of Basic Research on emerging areas of science that are a focus of the DoD research portfolio. The final report is now available online: Future Directions of Quantum Information Processing: A Workshop on the Emerging Science and Technology of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Measurement. Link: Many many thanks to all the workshop participants and to Dr Kate Klemic and Jeremy Zeigler of the Research Corporation.

[ May 2017 ]

Mihir Pant is selected to give a lightning talk at NetSci 2017 for his collaborative work with Saikat Guha of BBN!

[ March 2017 ]

Dirk is awarded the OSA’s 2017 Adolph Lomb Medal for pioneering contributions to scalable solid-state quantum memories in nitrogen-vacancy diamond, high-dimensional quantum key distribution, and photonic integrated circuits for quantum!

[ February 2017 ]

Hannah Clevenson successfully defends her thesis!

[ February 2017 ]

Edward H. Chen successfully defends his thesis!

[ July 2016 ]

The groups of Dirk Englund, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, and Frank Koppens have been awarded a new MISTI program to accelerate collaboration in graphene optoelectronic devices.

[ December 2015 ]

The groups Prof. Cappellaro, Prof. Englund, and Prof. Wrachtrup are selected for a 2015 MISTI International Collaboration grant to spur collaboration on quantum memories and networks!

[ December 2015 ]

Luozhou Li successfully defends his thesis!

[ August 2015 ]

Jake Mower successfully defends his thesis!

[ July 2015 ]

Congratulations to Sara, Tim, Luozhou, Jordan, Michael, and collaborators to their recent paper in PRX demonstrating a technique for producing photonic integrated circuits with quantum memories!

[ July 2015 ]

Congratulations to Hannah, Matt, Tim, Carson, Danielle for their latest publication on ultrasensitive diamond magnetometers! In the news: MIT News

[ April 2015 ]

Congratulations to Luozhou, Tim, Ed, Michael, and co-authors for their latest publication in Nature Communications!

Coherent spin control of a nanocavity-enhanced qubit in diamond, L. Li, Tim Schröder, Ed. H. Chen, M. Walsh, I. Bayn, J. Goldstein, O. Gaathon, M. E. Trusheim, M. Lu, J. Mower, M. Cotlet, M. L. Markham, D. J. Twitchen, D. Englund, Nature Communications 6, 6173 (2015)

In the news: BNL Newsroom, MIT News, Laser Focus World,, SciTechDaily, Materials Today, Nanotechnology Now

[ February 2015 ]

[ February 2015 ] Learn more >>

[ February 2015 ] Learn more >>

Congratulations to Faraz, Jake, Nick, Catherine, and co-authors for their publication of scalable integration of superconducting detectors on photonic integrated circuits! In the news: Front page of MIT, MIT News,, Nanowerk, SciTechDaily, Motherboard, Noticias de la Ciencia y la Technologia, New Electronics, …

[ January 2015 ]

Dirk featured in Brookhaven National Lab Spotlight

[ September 2014 ]

Jake featured in RLE’s student spotlight!

[ July 2014 ]

Hannah Clevenson’s new Applied Physics Letters article on cavity-enhanced polymer sensors featured in the news:, …

[ June 2014 ]

Congratulations to Ren-Jye on his new movie, NanoNerds!

[ June 2014 ]

Jake wins the Claude E. Shannon Award. Congratulations!

[ May 2014 ] Learn more >>

Jake Mower receives a 2014 Claude E. Shannon Research Assistantship!

[ May 2014 ]

“FLAWED TO PERFECTION” – Nature article on NV diamond featuring Matt and Luozhou’s latest results on high-purity diamond nanoparticles

[ January 2014 ]

Our graphene detector work is featured on NPR Marketplace and Photonics Spectra

[ November 2013 ]

Congraulations to Matt, Luozhou, and co-authors on their demonstration of high-quality diamond nanocrystals with record magnetic field resolution!

[ November 2013 ]

Congratulations to Xuetao and Ren-Jye on their publication on high-performance graphene photodetectors, reported in Nature Photonics and covered in the news: MIT News, Nature, Nature Photonics News and Views,Nanowerk, Gizmodo,, LiveMint , IEEE Spectrum,, RD Magazine,NanotechWeb, MIT TechnologyReview

[ September 2013 ]

New MURI announced on Optimal Measurements for Scalable Quantum Technologies

[ June 2013 ]

Featured in Nature: Diamonds tick like atomic clocks

[ April 2013 ]

Congratulations to Ed Chen and co-authors for their new publication on spin-based super-resolution imaging in Nano Letters

[ March 2013 ]

Dirk is appointed Jamieson Career Development Professor

[ February 2013 ]

Graphene modulator featured in the news

[ February 2013 ]

Xuetao’s paper on cavity-enhanced light-matter interaction in graphene is featured in the news

[ October 2012 ]

Jonathan and coworkers report long coherence times of NVs in nanofabricated diamond structures – New Journal of Physics 14 (2012).

[ September 2012 ]

Dirk is awarded the 2012 IBM Faculty Award

[ June 2012 ]

Congrats to Reyu on receiving an NSF Graduate Fellowship!

[ June 2012 ]

Dirk is awarded a 2012 DARPA Young Faculty Award (CU News)

[ May 2012 ]

Congrats to Ed and Hannah on receiving NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships (NSTRF)!!

[ March 2012 ]

We are starting a new collaborative program to develop Multi-Functional Light-Matter Interfaces based on Neutral Atoms and Solids [press announcement]

[ February 2012 ]

We are starting a new interdisciplinary Keck Foundation Program: “Watching the Brain at Work: Imaging Neuronal Activity with Diamond Nanoprobes” — D. Englund, Jonathan Owen (Chemistry), Rafael Yuste (Biology) [Columbia News; Keck annoucement]

[ February 2012 ]

The White House supports our research through the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) ; Columbia news

[ September 2011 ]

Dirk receives Sloan Research Fellowship in Physics

[ February 2011 ] Learn more >>

SEAS article: Transmitting Information Securely

[ January 2011 ] Learn more >>

The Columbia RISE program supports our research on biochemical sensors, in collaboration with the group of Jon Owen (Chemistry)

[ January 2011 ]

Our research on quantum networks on nanophotonic chips is supported by the AFOSR Young Investigator Program

[ December 2010 ] Learn more >>

We are beginning a DARPA-DSO sponsored project to develop photon-efficient quantum communication using chip-based architecture (DARPA InPho program)

[ August 2010 ]